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Guild Rules
We are a drama-free and hate-free group, and we intend on keeping it that way.
No spamming!
Admin decisions are final!
No Dealers!
There is nothing wrong with selling, trading, or buying Sinatra related items (we do it all the time). BUT, if your only dealings with Sinatra are to commercially and vindictively profit off of his image, then we don't want you.
We are a simple group with simple rules. All it comes down to is respect, and that is not too much to ask.
How Much Does It Cost To Become A Member?The annual membership fee is $40. What this $40 covers is the cost of production for the fanzines, care packages, shipping, as well as the cost of maintenance for the website and forum. Our group does not profit from your annual fee, all the money that gets sent is put directly back into the group. We do not do this to make money, but rather for the love of Francis Albert. If anything, we lose money every year; but we don't mind!
Can I Join?Of course you can! We would love to have you. To join, all you have to do is email us at SinatraCollectorsGuild@Gmail.Com From there, we can exhchange information and add you into the group.
Do You Ship Internationally?Sadly, we do not. Although we originally intended to, we did the math and realized that shipping alone would cost about $300 per year for each member not in the USA. While we wish that we were able to, the cost of shipping alone would put us out of business. We apologize if you were hoping to join but are not located in the USA.
Do I Need To Be A Collector To Join?Absolutely Not! First and foremost, we are all fans of Frank, and not all fans collect. if you are a fan of Francis, then we would love to have you. Additionally, just because "Collectors" is in our name does not mean that is all we deal with. As a matter of fact, the fanzine as well as the forum are just as much about the man himself as they are his memorabilia.
Do You Hold Group Events?Sadly, at this time, due to COVID, we are not able to hold any in person events. That being said, if the group expresses a common desire to hold some form of virtual event, then that is something that could certainly become a reality. Perhaps when everything returns to normal and we grow in popularity, then we could discuss the possibility of an annual meet up or Christmas party of some sorts.
I am not a Sinatra Fan or Collector, but a member of my family was and now I am stuck with their stuff. What do I do?"This is exactly the kind of thing we love. As a group, we are constantly on the lookout for new and exciting items. It is very likely that if you reach out, there is something we may be interested in buying off you, and if we're not, then we would be more than glad to steer you in the right direction so that you can sell it. Additionally, if you have something but you don't know what it is worth, we also do appraisals. Keep in mind, we are a small group, but we are filled with Sinatra experts, many of which have been doing this kind of thing for 50 or 60 years. Chances are, whatever you have, someone has seen it before and we offer you our opinion on how much it's worth (or maybe even make you an offer)
Do I Have To Be A Certain Age To Join?No, absolutely not. We have members with age differences of up to 70 years. Our founder has been collecting since childhood, and then started this group in his late teens; he is now 23. We have members in their teens, as well as members in their 80's. We don't care about age.
Do You Purchase Sinatra Memorabilia/Collections?Yes we do. One of the perks of joining this group is that members will trade and sell among themselves. Many of the items seen in this group will never leave the group, and to be able to see such things and possibly own them, you have to be a member. That being said, if you have a rare item or collection that was given to you or you have acquired that you just don't want, we would love to talk to you, and offer you our expertise.
Where Can I Contact You?You can email us at SinatraCollectorsGuild@Gmail.Com
Can I buy membership as a gift for a family member?Yes! We understand that many people may not be familiar enough with the internet that they would feel comfortable navigating our group or website. If you have a family member that would just appreciate the fanzine, then that is perfectly acceptable. They are not required to use the online functions of our society. Certain accomodations can be made if you reach out to us at SinatraCollectorsGuild@Gmail.Com
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